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How to Calm an Overtired Baby: Useful Tips to Soothe an Overtired Newborn

Updated: Oct 11

Parenthood is an exciting adventure filled with countless milestones and sweet moments. However, there are also times when things don’t go quite as planned—like when your baby gets overtired. It’s ironic, isn’t it? The more tired your baby becomes, the harder it is for them to fall asleep. You’ve tried rocking, shushing, and maybe even singing, but nothing seems to work. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry—you’re not alone.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the common issue of overtiredness in babies and share some effective tips to help calm and soothe your little one. With a bit of patience and the right techniques—including using tools like baby sleep music—you can help your baby (and yourself) get some much-needed rest.

Why Do Babies Get Overtired?

Overtiredness happens when a baby stays awake for too long and passes the point of feeling naturally sleepy. You’d think being tired would make falling asleep easier, but for babies, it’s the opposite. When they’re overtired, their bodies produce stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, making it difficult for them to relax and drift off. It’s a frustrating cycle—baby becomes overtired, making them fussier and more awake, which in turn makes it even harder for them to fall asleep.

Fun Fact: Babies have shorter sleep cycles than adults, which is why they need frequent naps. Missing even one nap can lead to overtiredness!

Signs of an Overtired Baby

Before diving into the solutions, it’s important to recognize the signs of overtiredness in your baby. Some of the common indicators include:

Fussiness and Crying: This is the most obvious sign. If your usually calm baby becomes fussy or starts crying for no apparent reason, they may be overtired.

Difficulty Settling: An overtired baby will have a harder time settling down for sleep, even if they’re clearly exhausted.

Clinginess: Your baby might want to be held more than usual and may cry as soon as you put them down.

Eye Rubbing and Yawning: These are classic sleepy cues that may indicate your baby is approaching overtiredness.

Hyperactivity: Yes, you read that right! Some overtired babies become hyperactive as a way of fighting sleep, making it seem like they’re full of energy when they’re actually exhausted.

How to Calm and Soothe an Overtired Baby

Now that we’ve covered the signs, let’s get to the good stuff—how to calm an overtired baby. Whether it’s your first rodeo or you’ve been through this stage before, these tried-and-true tips can make all the difference.

1. Create a Calming Environment

When your baby is overtired, they need a calm and soothing environment to help them settle down. Dim the lights, lower the noise level, and keep things as quiet and peaceful as possible. Babies are sensitive to overstimulation, so creating a serene space is crucial.

Tip: Consider using infant sleep music to create a soothing background. The gentle, rhythmic sounds can help drown out background noise and provide a comforting atmosphere that promotes relaxation.

2. Use a Swaddle

For newborns, swaddling can work wonders in helping them feel secure and comforted. Swaddling mimics the snug feeling they experienced in the womb and can help reduce their startle reflex, which often wakes them up. Just be sure to use a lightweight, breathable blanket and avoid swaddling too tightly.

3. Establish a Bedtime Routine

Consistency is key when it comes to calming an overtired baby. Establishing a bedtime routine can signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down for sleep. Whether it’s a warm bath, a gentle massage, or some quiet time with a book, these rituals can help prepare your baby for sleep.

Tip: Incorporate baby sleep music into your bedtime routine. Soft lullabies or instrumental music can provide a sense of calm and help your baby transition from wakefulness to sleep.

4. Use Motion to Soothe

Babies love motion—it reminds them of the gentle movements they experienced while in the womb. Rocking, bouncing, or taking a walk in a stroller can help soothe an overtired baby. The rhythmic motion helps calm their nervous system and can make it easier for them to drift off.

Sleep Tip: If you’re feeling extra tired yourself (and who wouldn’t be?), try using a baby swing or rocking chair to save your arms while still providing the soothing motion your baby needs.

5. Try Skin-to-Skin Contact

There’s something magical about skin-to-skin contact. Holding your baby close, chest to chest, can help regulate their heartbeat and breathing, making them feel more secure and calm. This method can be especially helpful for newborns who are feeling overstimulated or overtired.

6. Offer a Pacifier

Sucking is a natural soothing mechanism for babies, and offering a pacifier can help calm an overtired newborn. The repetitive sucking motion helps relax them and can trigger their natural sleep response.

The Role of Sleep Music

Music has a unique ability to calm the mind and body, making it a powerful tool for soothing an overtired baby. Infant sleep music is designed to be slow, repetitive, and calming, helping your baby transition from a state of overstimulation to a more relaxed one. The gentle melodies can create a peaceful atmosphere that encourages sleep, especially when combined with other calming techniques.

At Sukoonify, we’ve carefully curated playlists of baby sleep music and sleep time music for kids to help parents create the ideal sleep environment for their little ones. Our music is specifically designed to promote relaxation and ease the bedtime routine, whether your baby is a newborn or a toddler.

About Sukoonify

At Sukoonify, we understand the importance of sleep for both babies and parents. That’s why we’ve created a range of soothing playlists on Spotify to help your little one fall asleep and stay asleep. Our collection includes baby sleep music, sleep time music for kids, and infant sleep music, each designed to create a calm, peaceful environment that promotes relaxation.

Our music is easy to access and provides the perfect background for bedtime routines, helping to soothe overtired babies and promote restful sleep.

Conclusion: Finding Calm in the Chaos

Dealing with an overtired baby can feel like a never-ending cycle of fussiness and frustration, but with the right approach, you can help your baby calm down and settle into sleep. By creating a soothing environment, establishing a consistent routine, and incorporating tools like infant sleep music, you can break the cycle and guide your baby back to a peaceful state.

Remember, every baby is different, and what works for one might not work for another. The key is patience and persistence. Soon enough, you’ll find the right combination of techniques that help your baby relax and drift off to dreamland. And once they do, you can finally take a breath and enjoy a little rest yourself.


Will an overtired baby eventually sleep? Yes, an overtired baby will eventually sleep, but it may take longer for them to settle down. Their stress hormones, like cortisol, make it harder to relax, so soothing techniques are essential.

Do babies cry a lot when overtired? Yes, overtired babies often cry more due to discomfort, frustration, and exhaustion. Their heightened emotions make it harder for them to self-soothe, which is why calming techniques are crucial in these moments.

Will a bath help an overtired baby? Yes, a warm bath can help calm an overtired baby by relaxing their muscles and creating a soothing environment. Combined with a gentle bedtime routine, a bath can make the baby feel more secure and peaceful.

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